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Meet our partner! Amy of...

Picture this: Your alarm goes off and you imme...

Meet Our Partner! Jennifer at...

You’re not the same person you were five years ...

  • Meet our partner! Amy of The Anders Edit

    Meet our partner! Amy of The Anders Edit
    Picture this: Your alarm goes off and you immediately start thinking about what you’re going to wear for the day. You go through your morning routine wondering where that one shirt is and while finishing up your hair, you can’t decide which shoes will complete the look you thought of. You get to your closet and everything changes. 30 minutes later you’re running...
  • Meet Our Partner! Jennifer at Closet Choreography

    Meet Our Partner! Jennifer at Closet Choreography
    You’re not the same person you were five years ago – so why is your closet the same? New fads, changing roles within the home, moving to new locations all require adjustments to our life and our wardrobe. But, with life, family and work it can hard to keep your closet in sync with your life. Which is why we’re so excited to...
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