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Posted on by The Revury

Sitting in Sam’s farmhouse in the middle of the countryside in the east of England, life slows right down.  He’s sitting in his vintage leather recliner, sipping a cup of black tea with just a bit of milk.  Ever the endearing host, he’s made cups of tea all around and offered banana bread. 

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Listening to Sam talk, one can’t help but be impressed and inspired.  His stories, his lifestyle, his calm sureness – what he has accomplished in just a short 32 years on this planet. 

He talks about how life was hard in high school as he was bullied for being gay and having Down syndrome.  “I wish people were being more lenient about the laws being passed,” he remarks when speaking about gay peoples’ rights and treatment.

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We asked him to tell us a bit more about his life now, his hobbies and work, and what he is truly passionate about.

Tell us a bit about you…

In college I did a farm animal care course.  I’m very into country matters.  For example, Country File, Rare Breed Survival Trust, and also the local trusts like Suffolk Wildlife Trust, Wildlife Trust itself, and Woodland Trust).  They are mainly trying to save climate things in the atmosphere – what my brother is on the committee for. 

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In myself, apart from I used to work in the hunt kennels, and for that I love canines, working dogs, ad non-working dogs.  As my grandfather before me, on my mum’s side, helped me in that way.

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Tell about your daily life and holding…

From dusk to dawn, I appreciate everything I have.  Everything is in magical 3’s: 3 goats, 3 sheep, 3 chickens.  I’m into rare breeds – I have 2 rare breed Baggot goats.  Through that, it’s a bit like a movement to save the planet. 

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What are you most passionate about?

Mainly having a few items of history through vintage Victorian farm machinery and a peaceful life.  The world is my oyster and for that I will keep living.  My family makes my life easy and I quite like that.  My grandpa was a bit cheeky, like myself.

I love painting country scenes like what you see in the country landscape and on walks.  Birdsongs from the hedgerows and the gentle way of life…that is what I have. 

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My advice is to keep calm and support your own organizations, apart from not the violent organizations.

If you could go back in time and give yourself some advice what would it be?

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Well, I don’t want to add the butterfly effect to my life really.

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So true, Sam.  So true.  I can’t help but imagine how much more beautiful, how much more kind the world would be, if it were a little more like Sam.


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